Court St. Veronica would like to thank you for making our Advent Parish projects, BlanketSunday, and donations of warm socks, gloves and hats for the homeless shelters in ourarea a huge success. Your tremendous generosity is greatly appreciated.
. . . for the less fortunate we ask for your help in providingwarm socks, gloves, mittens and hats to the homeless shelters in our area. We all knowhow brutal Vermont winters are and the homeless crisis in our state. The CatholicDaughters, Court St. Veronica will be putting boxes in the entry ways of the churches fordonations from November 23 to January 5. They can be of any size, but we do ask thatthey be new items. Contact Annette Gann with questions at 802-472-6731.
Masses If you would like to remember a deceased loved ones birthday, anniversary, or any other special remembrance by having a Mass said you may call or email the rectory to reserve a date. Masses are $10.00 each. There are many dates available for 2024.
Please call the Parish Office at 802-472-5544
Mary Queen of All Saints Parish wants to help our hard-working parish families who maybe having trouble paying for their fuel this winter. We will be working with fuel dealers andother programs. If you are in need of assistance, or know someone who is, you/they cancontact the following: Irving Oil customers through their “request a donation” link found onthis page: or call 888-310-1924.For a different fuel dealer, please call the rectory for more information or to request anapplication. State assistance information is available at All applications are confidential. Please do not wait until you have aheating emergency as special deliveries have added costs and applications must beapproved first.
The Parish Council and the Building and Grounds Committee wish to organize work parties to clean up and refurbish the grounds around St. Norbert’s and St. Michael’s.
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Parish Council Thank you to Jon Lussier for serving on the Parish Council. Jon has resigned his position on the Council. Anyone interested in serving on the Parish Council should call the rectory or contact Fr. Raj or Jeannine Young.
To provide an opportunity for women to come together as a sister-in-Christ, strengthening our own personal faith journeys whild supporting each other in Catholic fellowship. When: Thursday evenings from 7:15 – 8:45 PM, via Zoom. Informal gatherings. Come when you can. Topics Include: Prayer requests, exploring subjects that help us learn more about our faith. Currently following Ascension Press Series “What We Believe, the Beauty of the Catholic Faith.”Sometimes we have a night of sharing and discussion or enjoy a guest speaker. For more nformation contact Dianne Smth of St. Luke Parish at [email protected].
How parishioners at Mary Queen of All Saints donate hundreds of pounds of food each month.
In just several short years, the Mary Queen of All Saints parishioners have contributed nearly ten thousand pounds of food to the Hardwick Area Food Pantry. It is quite common—and appreciated! Read More